Crooks & Liars, the conservative right apparently has waged war on fictional animated movies for telling a story...or as they put it "Promoting a far left message".
MediaMatters has some video of some of their tirads and battle cries. Sound absurd...well it is.
First off...Glenn Beck, you're an
asshole. I don't promote name calling, but Glenn deserves this special attention. If you haven't watched the video yet, check it out now. I'll wait...
Good. Glenn, let me start off with some of the basics. First, IT'S A FUCKING CARTOON! To call
Happy Feet anything less is utterly ridiculous. What exactly is the "far left" message here? He drops labels like "propoganda" and comparisons to
An Inconvennient Truth. Glenn, maybe they didn't teach this in your journalism classes (or maybe they did, and you were to otherwise predisposed with admiring the size of your own ego), but
fictional cartoons AREN'T propoganda. By that logic, EVERY movie is propoganda...animated or not. Glenn, it's a story...that's all. The "left wing" isn't out to brainwash your kids. We're to busy transforming the human race into homosexuals and making "GO TERRORISTS!" bumper stickers in our sparte time.
Next, Neil Cavuto and Holly McClure (you may remember her from such movies as...) engage in the most idiotic converstoin I have ever observed. Holly is quite distressed about the movie going overboard when they show a penguin with "plastic rings around the guys neck". First off Holly, I'll tell you what I told Glenn. It's a fucking movie telling a
fictional story...THAT'S IT. Secondly, this crap about plastic rings around birds' necks
happens to be true.
It's real and
it happens,
a lot.

Sometimes even
So what is this "left wing propoganda" Holly? Glenn? Neil?
Is it to clean up after ourselves? How about thinking about what the results of our actions will be before we perform them? The left wing
clearly has no concept of that one. Maybe it's that we only have one earth so we better take care of it? How about respect for other inhabitants of said planet, not to mention respect for each other? We DO share it with other creatures you know. So maybe teaching our kids to share is the "propoganda" the left wing is trying to teach children. Global warming isn't exactly propoganda either.
It's happening as we speak. While you can debate the human role in the earths climate change, you cannot debate the the earth's temperature is
increasing. As a result, the polar caps are melting:

So maybe the "left wing propoganda" is