Monday, October 31, 2005


Via DailyKos and Think Progress, here are just a few of the early snippets we discover about what one Samuel Alito would do:

  • Overturn Roe v. Wade. About 2/3rds of Americans would oppose overturning Roe.
  • Allow race-based discrimination and discrimination based on disabilities.
  • Opposes the Family and Medical Leave Act. In fact, he doesn't just oppose it, he struck down the law in 2000. The Supreme Court reversed his decision. For Alito, workers shouldn't be able to take 12 weeks of unpaid leave to take care of newborns or loved ones.
  • Has no problem with unauthorized strip searches.
    In Doe v. Groody, Alito agued that police officers had not violated constitutional rights when they strip searched a mother and her ten-year-old daughter while carrying out a search warrant that authorized only the search of a man and his home.

That awkward sound you here is America's sociological evolvement grinding to a halt.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

White Sox

Last night the White Sox tied Bobby Brown's record by beating Houston 4 times in one week...

Friday, October 14, 2005

16 kids, 2 bathrooms; mom explains the math

2 - piss in the two toilets
4 - piss in the sinks
2 - piss in the front lawn
2 - piss in the back lawn
1 - Jinger still wets his sheets
5 - share and piss in the bathtubs

This woman's uterus should have friggin' toll booth....

Do you have this in a 9 1/2?

I'm running in a 4-person relay in the Baltimore Marathon on Saturday. So I run to the mall during my lunch break today to grab a new pair of running shoes.

The first two "running" stores I walked into didn't have much of a selection. They were catered more towards a younger crowd. They sold lids, jerseys, over the top basektball shoes. Nothing for running.

However, I did notice something...well, not surprising. Both of the stores had and African-American Army recruiter right up soon as you walked in. I couldn't help but laugh.

So I finally make it to Athlete's Feet and got a nice pair of New Balance running shoes. On my way there, I noticed that there were no other stores with Army recruiters. Not that I expected to see any.

I made my way back to the first store and walked up to the recruiter, "Hey GNC was pretty busy too. Those folks would be perfect. You, strong, young, healthy....oh shit, but they're white. Probably not the type you were sent out to sign up today, huh?"

I didn't get a response....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"There's a dog trapped in my guitar..."

Ok, this isn't's just plain weird.

Watch it and let me know what you think. Click on the plus sign in the top right hand cornder to start the movie.

Monday, October 03, 2005

The power of profit...

As expected, the house voted (229-193) to all but dismantle the Endangered Species Act this week. Many people believe, as do I, that we are in the midst of a mass extinction.

It is quite evident that the Republicans, and some Democrats, are more concerned with protecting profits than protecting life on this precious planet.

Just a quick check on reality for everyone:

There are about 500,000 species left on earth...only 4,629 of which are mammals. For every species that becomes extinct, we take one step closer to our final farewell. A permanent date with the Wooly Mammoth so to speak.

To be honest, I for one agree with Kurt Vonnegut that the world will be a better place when we're gone. Can anyone name another form of life that has gutted this planet for it's own benefit and given nothing back in return? I mean, we can't even put our metals and plastics in a separate trash bags for fear of missing 2 minutes of American Idol. We see the effects of the destruction of natural habitats that are there to protect us (see: marshland in Louisiana), yet we continue to make the same choices in exchange for the Almighty Dollar....and we continue to vote in the politicians who allow it. Will we ever learn? Will we ever wake up? Or are we just another tick closer to joining the dinosaurs?